Independent and assisted living communities are communities typically with an age limit of 65 and older. Apartment style living that create community all under one roof. Both independent and Assisted living usually include housekeeping, meals, transportation and activities. Assisted Living will include assistance with medication and personal care such as bathing and dressing. All care is provided by the staff. Communities usually have anywhere 60 and120 people living there, and this can help prevent isolation.
• Assisted living communities have trained caregivers on site 24 hours a day in case you need them
• Care can be added if needed and can be temporary
• Care fees start at about $20.00 per day
• Community is all around you.
• You don’t have to be separated from your spouse or partner
• All of your meals are prepared for you and you don’t eat alone
• Housekeeping is done for you *
• You can get your laundry done and delivered for a small fee, sometimes it’s even included. *
• Usually a spend down (private pay period) of 3-4 years is required before allowing the resident to use the COPES or Medicaid program.
*unless you enjoy these chores. It is not mandatory that these are done for you unless you want them done.
Understanding the goal and deciding YOU want to spend YOUR time and energy is invaluable when trying to make these life changing decisions. Here are a few questions that might help you decide what is the right choice for you or your loved one.
• Are you feeling Isolated?
• Are you able to manage your own Hygiene?
• Have you been losing weight?
• Do you often find yourself missing medications?
• Have you had any falls?
• Are your bills delinquent?
• Have you been missing appointments?
• Have you experience any confusion?
• Has your home has just gotten too big and are you are only living in part of your house?
• What resources do you have and what can you afford?
Did you know that up to 75% of seniors have admitted to making some kind of medication mistake and over 43% report feeling lonely.
How do all of these solutions benefit families?
Often times the caregiver’s health is declining and their overall health is better when someone is taking care of their loved one.
Jobs are not affected due to constant time off resulting in fewer lost wages
What about costs to the Senior?
Home Care can range from $25.00 to $45.00 hourly or may offer some daily/weekly packages ranging from $60.00 to $600.00
Home Health is typically covered by Medicare Part A and B. You can ask your provider about other insurance options.
Assisted living can range from $2600-$8500 depending on apartment size and care needs.
Skilled Nursing can run 10-18,000.00 per month.